All in… Building the Dream.
Right now, somewhere in the West Country, a hand
picked architect is beavering away on plans that will help Scott realise a
long-held ambition. This project is not without considerable risk but then
what’s life without a dash of jeopardy?
One of the reasons for Scott moving house was so that his family could obtain a
garden big enough and quiet enough to site a custom built voice-over recording
He has spent the better part of two years researching every aspect of the
studio and more importantly, the experts he’s going to need to make the idea a
reality. It’s so close now, he can smell the acoustic mastic and 2019 is when
it’s all going to happen.
Part of this blog will be to document the trials and tribulations of this
project, that demands major investment from Scott but will doubtless open many
more doors for him to whisper, talk, shout or even act through!
Get in touch with any comments, queries or questions.